Stones of the earth

I use to spent hours looking for stones on the bed of the stream, in the mountains, you were lying motionless on the same stones, talking to the clouds, your feet that every now was searching for the frost of the shiny water. For the same passion, the same game, the desire to caress smooth and round shapes in all possible shades, I searched for THE STONES OF THE EARTH and tied them to your fingers, pink and green tourmalines, aquamarines, rutilated quartz so beautiful to make evil eyes, amethysts, turquoise and many others that for me are still nameless colored stones, smoothed by water, the one that has the good fortune to pass all over you, make your skin even smoother, let me imagine a thousand ways of bind you to THE STONES OF THE EARTH. All different big rings. Unique and precious pieces like breaths, like rain, wind, sun, earth. As natural as love.

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