Christmas letter

My Christmas letter? Memories of a child… Expectation, surprise, emotion, colored shapes, rigorous black, red, white boxes, blush shades and stars… shiny ribbons, scents of wood and snow, soft lights of flickering candles, fires, holograms and laser blades… Shouldn’t we give ourselves nothing? Just a thought you said holding me so tight that almost hurts. I am writing you my Christmas letter again this year! A thought for the new year… and it’s already Valentine’s Day, and my birthday, and summer… Just a thought! Last year’s rainbow was more beautiful than the one you gave me for our first Christmas together. How many years have been past? Do you still remember how I’ve got crazy?! How many colors we’ve  changed?! Then I wanted the whole collection! This year just a thought… like every year. A thought for every caress, for every kiss, for all your silences and for my laughter, for every forbidden moment, for our hands… Just a thought at Christmas and then… you know…

In Venice every gift becomes a memory

…every emotion is stronger, all smiles are as big as the sky above the lagoon. Laughter, looks, thoughts, caresses, kisses… even your grimaces, your games leave marks on the skin, indelible, precious tattoos, jewels that your gestures confuse with the reflections of the water. The rings become circles of light, gothic vitrage the shiny stones, long waves replicate the curves on which your necklaces play, the same ones designed by the hair that conceal and show flashes from your earrings lucky to be so close… so close as to whisper you all the stories of travelers suspended in to the golden city light. Venice transforms the emotions into its unique light… melancholy already fades behind the wet train windows at the end of the liberty bridge…