
Rainbow, moments, caresses streaked of colors

Rainbow jewels have blossomed this spring in an infinity of shapes and colors. They mixed with light fabrics that caress your tanned skin. Rings with round  or squares stones, the new trilogy with many degraded shades. Long earrings plunge into the cascade of soft necklaces that draw you. It’s so nice seeing you walking with that slow slouching step followed by the wind. Many rings decorate your fingers, long necklaces draw intriguing curves and the breath of the earrings caresses your neck, I steal fragments of smooth skin streaked with colors, blurred images and blurred looks. Blessed spring!

It is Spring, blossoms Trilogy!

The colors of Rainbow Trilogy are multiplying in all shades of the rainbow and very soon they will color the spring that is already invading us with flowers. It will be a riot of blue, yellow, purple, green shades mixed with the patterns of light clothes that already fly through the streets, in offices, schools, at the seaside, fast bicycles and car windows full of colors. The rainbow rings bloom in trefoil corollas and become earrings, pendants … floral sets around shoots of smiles. Go and discover all the colors of spring, Trilogy blooms!

Take part in the great game

Green and yellow stones big like a cat’s eyes, purple like sunsets when it’s almost night, or warmer in cognac and wood, or cool like blu sky and light fog. Round or quadrangular stones with rounded edges, hold on in soft shiny frames, voluptuous frames of kaleidoscopic landscapes. Rainbow Classic rings are strong signs of freedom and joy, of  desire to play by combining colors and thoughts and looks with the reflections of the sun. Rainbow Classic multiplies in shapes, sizes and colors even in many earrings, pendants and bangles that design elegant total look and participate in creative inventions of which you are the only interpreter. Take part in the great game, invent the magic formula that enchants. We offer you seductions in blue and purple transparencies drowned in pink reflections.