The light of Venice

There are days in late November were the sun in Venice is so hot, intense and bright that it seems to last forever. The stones at the Zattere are white and warm that makes you feel like stretching out until you touch the water with your fingers full of rings of colored stones. The light bounces off the water and amplifies the colors that draw purplish, green, orange reflections, semi-transparent shadows as if it were colored smoke that stretches between the fingers and draws round swirls on the skin, on the memories of the Istrian stone slabs that are not there. they are more, on the little waves that break so close. The same lights, the same colors that dye the hair and cheekbones from the earrings, shadows that mark the face and redesign the mouth. In a moment everything becomes more yellow, the sun gives a flash before going down in the lagoon and freezing the air, the light and the colors. There remain the blue-green and blue-green reflections of the rings between the fingers that quickly fade into the dark to warm the cold night, promising another summer.

In Venice every gift becomes a memory

…every emotion is stronger, all smiles are as big as the sky above the lagoon. Laughter, looks, thoughts, caresses, kisses… even your grimaces, your games leave marks on the skin, indelible, precious tattoos, jewels that your gestures confuse with the reflections of the water. The rings become circles of light, gothic vitrage the shiny stones, long waves replicate the curves on which your necklaces play, the same ones designed by the hair that conceal and show flashes from your earrings lucky to be so close… so close as to whisper you all the stories of travelers suspended in to the golden city light. Venice transforms the emotions into its unique light… melancholy already fades behind the wet train windows at the end of the liberty bridge…